THE POTATO CRISP ....or : The middle-aged person's guide to long-term survival, whilst maintaining a relatively healthy lifestyle in conjunction with an active interest in recreational alcohol and bar snacks.
The potato crisp
Is not without risk
To arterial circulation
And what is more
It's responsible for
The obesity plaguing this nation
And beer I fear
Whether cloudy or clear
Can be blamed for both gout and dementia
Hence, exotically flavoured tea is favoured
Amongst the intelligentsia
And if drinking red wine's
Good for Frenchmen, that's fine
They drink wine when they dine
Which is most of the time..
So they probably drink quite a lot
For the English, it's not.
(And it's worse if you're Scots.)
It all ends in cirrhosis
And spots.
So if wine's not benign
And malt whisky's malign
And your health is at risk from the grub
Though you're hale and quite hearty
For the sake of your arteries
Is it safe to set foot in the pub?
"Our crisps are 'hand-baked' "
But despite that they'll make
Your belly expand and your coronaries ache
The blurb on the back of the meanly filled pack
Proclaims the crisp-baker’s mission
Finest local potatoes, a bit of mature cheddar, and the oniony twang of that most snippable of herbs...the chive...
It takes quite some time to read all the facts
Concerning fried potato nutrition
In seven languages, including Arabic.
But nowhere does it say
That you'll eventually pay
For that fleeting full-tummy sensation.....
For remember, the crisp
Is not without risk
To arterial circulation.
But, if you survive
Mature cheddar and chive
And nauseous prawn and chorizo
There's still ready-salted -
Do you remember those little blue packets of salt at the bottom of the packet ??
Unsullied and pure
There's no harm in them.....
"There can't be" ... are you sure?
Just applaud your restraint
You're so good you're a saint
You'll be canonised once you are late
But a rather worse fate
Sad to say, awaits
When you purchase your next brimming jar
For behind the bar
Much more deadly by far
Are those crispy pork bits in a packet
You'd be better advised
If you value your lives
To be eating your spuds in their jackets
And if you must have a snack
From that tempting big pack
Of succulent hand-fried potater
Here's what to do
Just munch one or two
And save some of the rest,
For later.
If you can.
© nigel hallworth 2021